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Subject Millennials and Gen Z really ARE snowflakes: Scientists find people aged 18 to 25 are the most upset when they're labelled narcissistic, entitled
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Generation Snowflake really are more flaky than older people - but don't tell them, they'll get upset.

Young adults become 'distressed' by labels of entitlement and narcissism, suggests new academic research.

They get upset if they're labelled more self-centred or oversensitive than older people, according to the study.

All age groups - including millennials and Generation Z themselves - believe that they are the most narcissistic and entitled, suggest the findings.

But researchers say that millennials and Generation Z dislike the 'snowflake' characterisation, and believe it less than older generations do.

The findings show that teenagers and young adults both 'believe and react negatively' to messages that members of their age group are more entitled and narcissistic than other living generations.

The research team said that academic reports and popular literature have contributed to the 'widespread' idea that emerging adults - people transitioning from adolescence to adulthood - are more entitled and narcissistic than other age groups.
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